Thursday, December 18, 2014

JayaPerformanceTesting: Tune the Oracle for Performance improvements durin...

JayaPerformanceTesting: Tune the Oracle for Performance improvements durin...: Oracle data base Performance improvements during Performance testing. Let’s assume an instance that you observed multiple execution pl...

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Performance Testing-Questionnaire

Identify the Performance Test Environment

1) Which environment PT is being conducted?
2) Provide Logical and physical production architecture of PROD and Pre-PROD
(Hardware and Software) configurations like CPU,Memory Details
3) is PT Environment being shared with any other apps?
4) Scheduled jobs running on PT Environment if yes when ?
5) which/what type of application server/Web server /Database server/Cache server/Load Balencers used?
6) Is database is shared across any other applications?
7) How scallable PT enviorment compare to LIVE? 50% , 70% ?
1) Provide an access to all application server/Web server /Database server/Cache server/Load Balencers 
2) Make sure Application will be able to access from All Load Inject machines
3) Make sure Monitoring is enabled in all servers ( like vmstat,IO stat, etc..) install utilities if required ( if there is no dedicated monitoring tools like wily,Dyna trace, New relic, Site scope, etc..)
4) Are the PT environments scalable to live? How much? 
5) Make sure access has been given to  server log locations for checking log entries during load/stress/soak testing ( Debugging purpose)

Identify the application level Info

1) Provide an application overview ( sub systems/Dependencies )
2) Provide key business scenarios of application ( flows which requires testing like most resource intensive calls to DB/App, Key business impacting scenarios like creation of orders , frequently used flows by users , etc..)
3) What is the protocol between client and server?
4)What are the interfaces of the application? e.g., Payment gateways, web services etc.,
5) Client browser version dependent? If any

Load Generation Tool Info

1) Which tool is being used for Performance testing?
2) Do we have required Licences for conducting PT? like Number of LG's required, Number of concurrent users, Protocols support, etc..

Monitoring Tools Info

1) Which monitoring tools are using?
2) Requried counters are settup to monitor all metrics ( like CPU,Memory, Disk I/O,Network,Application level metrics )

Profiling Tools Info

1) which tool is being used for Profiling? If we have any?
2) What level of probing is done? 
3) Which counters are required to monitor like GC Heap, threads, Connection pools,etc
4) Database sepecific metrics ( Slow SQL's , Execution plans, SQL details )
5) Do we have DB specific monitoring tools like OEM, SQL Monitors ?

Identify Performance Acceptance Criteria

1) Average Transaction Response times
2) 90% percental values If we have any target
3) Throughput / TPS
4) Resource utilization for all servers ( CPU,memory, disk input/output (I/O), and network I/O) ( Web/App/DB)
5) List of NFR's for current release
6) Load volumes ( number of concurrent users )
7) Load Distributions ( %of load across identified business scenarios )
8) What are the known current as well as previous performance bottlenecks?  ( like Memory leaks/High response times , etc )
9) Type of Performance tests required based on NFRs provided like..
Load Test
Stress Test
Endurence Test
Spike Test , etc…

Test Data

1) Who will provide required test data for PT
2) Do we have SQL's in place to mine the test data from database
3) Do we have Necessary privileges to execute the SQL’s  to generate the test data?
4) Do we gather stats regularly?

General Information

1) What is the current project timeline to begin and close testing activities?
2) Scheduled timelines for PAT
3)Is the application functionality stable and its functional testing is completed?
4)Please provide access credentials/URL of the application?
5)What are the goals of the performance testing activity? Why we are planned to do?
6)Do we have baselines ?
7)Who are the end users of the system?